
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Have you seen "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead?"

This show was life changing for me. I am at the stage in my own illness that I think it is a "do or die" situation right now. I have tried all conventional medicine and many alternative treatments. Then all of a sudden a shower of "food" documentaries and news articles started showing up on my Facebook and Netflix. Is it a sign, or merely the latest trend? I don't know, but I'm willing to take the gamble. I don't have much to lose right now in trying it.

I am pretty much home bound, in a little apartment in the basement of a nursing home. So what could it hurt to try to eat healthier? So back to the subject... here is one of the first documentaries that I watched.

Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead

Joe Cross was very overweight and managing an autoimmune disease with steroids. He sets off a journey to healing through juicing and chronicling his journey to better health. As he is starting to feel better, he meets some friends along the way that also decide to try the juicing route. All of them experience good results, mostly getting off the meds, losing weight and feeling better.

Stop by his website to learn more. Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead

To watch the full documentary click below.

The Juice Recipe


If you would like to purchase the Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead DVD 

Fat Sick & Nearly Dead

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