
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Have you heard of "The Gerson Therapy?"

This documentary shares the stories of nine longtime cancer survivors, this program explores the principles and effectiveness of Gerson Therapy, a holistic method of treating cancer and other degenerative diseases developed by Dr. Max Gerson in 1928. Charlotte, Gerson's daughter, who is  founder of the Gerson Institute also discusses her fight to keep the controversial therapy going despite objections from those who question its effectiveness. Why is it being covered up in the first place? Don't we want to cure cancer and other debilitating diseases?

Click here read more about The Gerson Therapy

Here are some documentaries made about The Gerson Therapy
Click on the names to watch for free.

The Gerson Miracle

The Beautiful Truth

Dying To Have Known

If you would like to purchase the dvds

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